Marketing Trends

In the Spotlight

Ali`i Design’s Founder & Creative Director, Kim Kelley, devotes a portion of her time to public speaking, writing articles for industry journals and as a professional source for interviews. She has presented numerous topics on marketing, graphic design and social media at educational conferences.

If you are looking for a speaker for your event, conference or webinar, or a marketing source for an interview, contact Kim at

Tag: Marketing Trends

4 Marketing Trends for The Year Ahead RBMA Bulletin

4 Marketing Trends for The Year Ahead

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you’ve long since emerged from your holiday cookie-coma, your New Year’s resolution is in full swing, and you have both feet firmly planted in 2019.  Time to dive into new and

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What’s Trending in 2018

Here are a few of my most-loved marketing trends and must do’s as you roll into 2018. Pull Up a Chair Marketers have earned their seat at the boardroom table. As consumers continue to influence brands and corporate reputations are

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